Skyview by Empyrean collaborated with CarWale, which is India’s online platform with the highest footfall for all automotive information. Hyundai India flagged off the 2022 edition of the Great India Drive from the city of Srinagar. In its sixth edition, the drive started from the summer capital of Jammu & Kashmir and travelled to seventeen locations across the state in a fleet of Hyundai Tucson SUVs. The CarWale being a part of this drive planned a road trip in their cars from Srinagar to Patnitop on November 18, 2022 and promoted a driving holiday in J&K on their platforms. The CarWale team successfully completed a shoot in which they promoted the Hyundai Tucson, a 5-seater SUV, and drove to the hills to promote self-driven travel among the community, particularly in J&K. After covering Srinagar, they reached us in the afternoon at Skyview by Empyrean, Sanget Valley, patnitop. The Skyview team welcomed them near the Chenani Nashri Tunnel and accompanied them to Skyview by Empyrean and the Carwale team stayed with us for two days.