Many people think of Thai cuisine as an exotic food because it hasn’t been widely introduced and promoted. It is like any other cuisine. Thai cooking is about the juggling of disparate elements to create a harmonious finish. Simplicity isn’t the dictum here, at all.
This month, we have a Thai food weekend celebration. Through this, we wish to showcase our palatable service of global cuisines by presenting our chef’s special menu on weekends, throughout March.
Thai cuisine has a major culinary influence from South Asia. Its flavours are derived from ancient Indian, Chinese, and Ayutthaya cooking traditions, blended with new ingredients and distinctive cooking techniques to create a modern Thai restaurant experience. Our signature dishes include spicy green papaya salad, hot & sour shrimp soup, coconut curry noodle soup, choice of chicken / cottage cheese served with peanut sauce, Thai curry, choice of red / green curry, and vegetable / chicken served with steamed rice, Thai chicken & pineapple stir fry, stir fried thai vegetables, stir fried thai flat noodles with a choice of vegetables / chicken, stir fried rice with a choice of vegetables / chicken, banana pancake, and mango flavoured sticky rice.
The menu offers a choice of dishes, with 18% GST applicable. Level up your culinary experience with our weekend Thai cuisine celebration, offering an unrivalled blend of colours and flavours. Whether as an unforgettable dining experience or for those occasions when indulgence is a must, we’ve got you covered.